Frequently Asked Questions

General 4 questions
  • What can i do if my account has been disabled?

    If your UROn account was disabled, you’ll see a message telling you when you try to log in.  Accounts that don’t follow our Terms of Use may be disabled without warning.  We suggest you review our Terms of Use carefully along with the posts on all accounts you’ve created.

    If you think your account was disabled by mistake, you may be able to appeal the decision by sending an email to our support team at and provide an explanation.

  • Hey, Where is the Apple iOS App?

    The Apple iOS app is built and we are working with Apple to get it approved for release in the App Store…

  • How do i get started?

    Welcome to UROn! Let’s get you set up!

    1. First, you’ll need to download the UROn app for iOS or Android.
    2. Open the Uron app 📲
    3. Tap ‘Signup With UROn’ to create a new account!
  • How do i add a profile picture?

    You can add a profile picture 2 ways:

    1.Go to the ‘Me’ tab and click on the blank profile picture


    2.Go to the ‘More’ tab, click on settings, now tap the ‘Choose Image’ field

Creating Challenges 4 questions
  • What does the Clone button do?

    The clone button allows you to quickly re-create the challenge without having to type it all out again…

  • What is an App Zone Challenge?

    You can create challenges with Apps that have been integrated with the UROn platform.

    These apps can be found in the App Zone.

    Before you can create an App Zone Challenge, the App needs to be downloaded and installed.

    Highest score in the App will win the coins and they will be automatically transferred to the winner.

  • What does the Referee button do?

    After you create a free form challenge with someone, you can add a Referee to pick the winner

  • What is a Free Form Challenge?

    A free form challenge is when you and your friends challenge each other on anything you can think of…

    Here are a few examples:

    1. Who can run the fastest?
    2. Who will win the big fight?
    3. Who will with the election?
    4. Who will win the big game?
    5. What will happen on my favorite TV show?
Friends 2 questions
  • How do i invite a friend to join Uron?

    To create challenges in UROn, you first need to add friends to challenge…

    If your friends don’t have a UROn account you can invite them to join in by doing the following:

    1. In the UROn Android or Apple app, Go to the ‘Friends’ tab at the bottom of the app
    2. Click on the Yellow bar at the bottom to invite your friends to UROn
    3. Select how you would like to invite your friends. (eMail, Twitter, Message, Facebook)
    4. Now select the friends that you would like to invite by tapping on each name, a checkmark will appear next to the friends you have selected.
    5. When you are done, tap on the Green Invite button at the bottom of the screen
    6. Now press send to deliver your invite.
    7. Once your friends creates a UROn account you will then be able to add them as a friend.
  • How do i add a friend?

    To create challenges in UROn, you first need to add friends to challenge…

    In the UROn Android or Apple app, do the following:

    1. Go to the ‘Friends’ tab at the bottom of the app
    2. Tap on the ‘+ Add Friends’ button at the top of the screen
    3. In the Search field, enter your friends UROn username
    4. When you see your friend in the search list, click on the ‘+’ to add your friend.
    5. Once your friend approves your request, you can create a challenge with them.
Groups 1 question
  • How do i create a group?

    Groups are used to challenge multiple friends at the same time…

    To create a group on the UROn Android or Apple app do the following:

    1. Go to the ‘More’ tab and then click on the ‘Your Groups’ button
    2. Click on the ‘Add Group’ button
    3. In the Group name field, enter the name you would like to call this group.
    4. Now check off all the names you would like to include in this group
    5. Hit Save

    When you create a challenge now, simply enter the group name to create the challenge…

Rewards 3 questions
  • How are rewards paid?

    Rewards are paid out to the Paypal account that you have added in your account settings.

    To add your Paypal account using the mobile app:
    1. Go to More -> Settings
    2. Add your Paypal account in the Paypal Email field
    3. Hit Save at the bottom of the screen.

    To add your Paypal account using the UROn website:
    1. Go to
    2. Click on the User button at the top right to sign into your account.
    3. After you sign in, add your Paypal account in the Paypal Email field
    4. Hit the Submit button.


  • When are rewards paid out?

    Rewards are paid out on the second week of every month…

    January winners are paid on February 15th…
    February winners are paid on March 15th…

  • Whats the difference between Leader Board and Rewards Board?

    The Leader Board displays those users with the highest net worth for bragging rights.

    The Rewards Board displays those users who have wagered the most coins, win or lose, in a given month.  These users will be rewarded every month with prizes.

Coins 2 questions
  • How can i get more coins for free?

    You can get 1000 coins for free simply by watching videos with our mobile app…

    1. In the UROn Android or Apple app go to the ‘More’ or ‘Me’ tab and click on the ‘Get Coins’ button.
    2. Now click on the Watch Video button.
    3. After the video has completed, your account will automatically be updated with 1000 additional coins.


  • How can i purchase more coins?

    To purchase more coins you have 2 options:

    1.Within the Android mobile app go to the ‘Me’ or ‘More’ tab and then click on the ‘Get Coins’ button.


    2.Go to the UROn web site at and click on the Buy Coins button at the top right.  Then login in with your UROn account to securely purchase coins via Paypal.

    Note: Apple users can only purchase more coins from our web site using Paypal.

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